Illegal tenants on pastureland sued for squatting

More than 40 houses were built on land that’s over 100 acres wide, some of the squatters have been living on the land for more than two decades while some of them relocated to the area in recent years.

By Khaing Roe La 24 Apr 2019


Khaing Roe La/ DMG

April 24, Sittwe

People who are residing on pastureland of Kyauk Tan Gyi village in Sittwe Township have been sued for squatting by an administrator for Kywedae village tract.

More than 40 houses were built on land that’s over 100 acres wide, some of the squatters have been living on the land for more than two decades while some of them relocated to the area in recent years.

More than 40 people have been charged since February with 35 cases, but 19 cases have been closed now.

“Each house has been charged for each case. All of us have been sued. My case was settled through a decision making process. I wish other people would settle their cases,” said U Kyaw Myo Lwin, whose case was settled at the court.

When the DMG contacted U Aung  Mya Thein, administrator for Kywedae village tract and plaintiff of these cases, he said that he filed lawsuits against the squatters under the instruction of Sittwe township administrator.

“Some people are really poor and they do not have any place to go. So, they settled on the land outside village and they did not know it was pasture land. That’s why their cases were settled,” U Aung Mya Thein said.

For the remaining 16 cases, the court process had been delayed because the plaintiff did not turn up at the court hearing, said U San Shwe Maung, a villager who has been sued for squatting.

“We have been living here for 25 years. There was no prohibition. More houses were built here in the last three years. The plaintiff did not appear at the court, we the accused have been appearing at the court,” he said.

The village tract administrator told the DMG that he did not turn up at the court because the township administrator told him not to go.

“I was told not to submit documents to settle the case. The judge will make his own decision. That’s why I did not go to the court,” he said.

The DMG contacted U Soe Thet Swe, administrator for Sittwe Township, for comment, but he was not available because he was in a meeting. The DMG tried till contacting him until 5P.M. but he could not be reached.