Locals concerned for safety due to military presence in Taungup Twsp village

Residents from Kin Taung village in Arakan State’s Taungup Township are worried as the Myanmar military has stationed troops at their village and they are banned from going outside the village from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. 

By DMG 22 May 2022

DMG Newsroom
22 May 2022, Taungup 

Residents from Kin Taung village in Arakan State’s Taungup Township are worried as the Myanmar military has stationed troops at their village and they are banned from going outside the village from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. 

An 80-strong Myanmar military contingent reportedly entered Kin Taung village on May 19 and prohibited local residents from going outside the village at night for the sake of peace and the rule of law. 

A villager in Kin Taung village, who asked for anonymity, said locals were worried because the military had ordered them not to leave. 

“The village crier said the ban is to ensure peace and rule of law in the community. The residents are worried because of the Myanmar military’s order. The junta soldiers are stationed at the village’s monastery,” the unnamed villager added. 

Myanmar military soldiers had made visits to the village in the past, but never imposed such a restriction, residents said. 

One villager said the restrictions on movement during certain hours would affect the livelihoods of local people who earn a living by fishing. 

“Many people go outside to catch fish and frogs during this season,” the villager explained. “Kin Taung villagers have been barred from going outside at night since four days ago. Some residents going outside at night for fishing were questioned by Myanmar military personnel. We dare not go outside because the junta soldiers are stationed not only in the village but also outside the village.” 

Locals said the military contingent stationed in Kin Taung Village is Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 544, a unit based in Taungup. Kin Taung village is located about 11 miles from Taungup town and most of its villagers are farmers. 

DMG phoned Major-General Zaw Min Tun, a spokesman for the military council, seeking comment on the matter, but he could not be reached. 

Myanmar military troops entered Sar Pyin village in Taungup on May 6-7 to search for village officials affiliated with the United League of Arakan (ULA). Regime forces were also reportedly stationed in Tan Hlwel Ywarma town and conducted interrogations of local people on May 16. 

The AA released a statement on May 15 saying clashes could take place at any time in Arakan State due to growing military tensions with the regime.