Over 400 villagers sheltering in Ramree town return home

More than 400 villagers who had been taking refuge at monasteries in Ramree town, Arakan State, reportedly returned to their homes on November 16.

By Aung Kaung Zaw 17 Nov 2020

Aung Kaung Zaw | DMG
17 November 2020, Ramree

More than 400 villagers who had been taking refuge at monasteries in Ramree town, Arakan State, reportedly returned to their homes on November 16.

The residents from Kalapon, Myochein, Hmawyone, Nganyokaing villages of the Kalapon village-tract in Ramree Township sought shelter in Ramree town on November 7 as a military column entered their villages, according to locals.

Now, with word that the military had left the villages, residents had returned to their homes, said Ko Tun Naing, a facilitator from Ramree Township.

“They came back to their villages. There is no military presence and things are peaceful,” he said. “They came back in a hurry to harvest paddy.”

The villagers had stayed for 10 days at Taungkyaung Monastic School, Tannarpyin Monastery and Dhama Ni Mi Thayon Monastery, before returning to their homes this week.

However, locals accused the military columns of arresting four young men and a 15-year-old boy from Myochein village in Ramree Township.

Four of the five villagers are reportedly being detained at Kyaukphyu Police Station, while the whereabouts of 24-year-old Ko Tun Min Soe are not known and his family members are worried, his brother Ko Nyi Khin Htwe said.

“All [others] have arrived at Kyaukphyu Police Station, but we don’t know where my brother Ko Tun Min Soe is being kept. We are very concerned,” he said.

Family members say the detainees are not Arakan Army members, as has been alleged by the Tatmadaw.

“They are just fishermen,” said one relative.

The four villagers being held at Kyaukphyu Police Station have reportedly had charges brought under the Counter-Terrorism Law.