Fears of rising crime in conflict-torn Arakan State

Locals in Arakan State face food shortages amid livelihood hardships, rising commodity prices, scarcity of jobs and junta blockades.

By Admin 14 Sep 2024

Fears of rising crime in conflict-torn Arakan State

DMG Newsroom
14 September 2024, Sittwe

Local people in Arakan State, many of whom are facing severe livelihood hardships, say they are worried about rising crimes such as gang theft, looting, break-ins and robbery.

More than K250 million was stolen from the 'Shwe Pwint' Wave Pay and KBZ Pay agent shop in Kyauktaw on September 11, according to the shop owner.

"Thieves entered the home and stole over K250 million on the night of September 11. We knew about the theft on the morning of September 12," said Daw Htet Myat Thu, owner of the Shwe Pwint shop.

A Honda motorcycle was stolen from a hostel for healthcare workers in the compound of Kyauktaw Hospital on September 8, said Ma Mya Hnin, the owner.

Meanwhile, there are "gang thefts" in Sittwe and Ann townships every day, according to local residents.

"Gang thefts and break-ins are reported in our village. Thieves steal necessities and food rather than money," said a resident of Ru Village in Ann Township.

A robbery occurred at the home of U Khin Maung in Taungup's Ward 1 on the night of September 11. U Khin Maung and his wife were injured after they fought back against about 10 masked men armed with knives.

Locals in Arakan State face food shortages amid livelihood hardships, rising commodity prices, scarcity of jobs and junta blockades.

"This situation is very scary and very worrying. During this period, it is not easy for people struggling to feed themselves. People are motivated to commit these crimes when they have no job or income," said a social activist in Arakan State.

DMG continues to attempt to contact Arakkha Army (AA) spokesperson U Khaing Thukha concerning reports of rising criminality in Arakan State and the ethnic armed group's plans to address the matter in the territory it controls.

The AA-led alternative government in Arakan State has established a Department of Law Enforcement and Public Security (DLEPS) and will recruit new officers to expand the department, the AA has said.