Local education foundation in Kyauktaw Twsp offers free vocational courses to Arakanese youths
The Kyauktaw-based Future Target Education Foundation is offering computer and English-language proficiency courses to provide free educational opportunities to young people in Arakan State.
23 Sep 2021
DMG Newsroom
23 September 2021, Kyauktaw
The Kyauktaw-based Future Target Education Foundation is offering computer and English-language proficiency courses to provide free educational opportunities to young people in Arakan State.
The foundation has been organising the computer and English-language courses since May 2019, and more than 400 new trainees are currently being recruited for the fourth student intake.
“We have been providing free education to displaced young people, graduates, those who have not yet been able to attend school due to Covid-19, and those who didn’t pass the matriculation exam in Arakan State,” U Zaw Min Oo, founder of the Future Target Education Foundation, told DMG.
The trainees will be taught computer and English language skills, as well as musical arts, in intake No. 4, said U Zaw Min Oo.
“I want young people in Arakan State to learn technology and English in the future. This is the reason why we’ve opened free vocational training courses. The trainees will be taught musical arts in the new course,” he added.
The Future Target Education Foundation is also providing free food, accommodation and books to the trainees.
“We have a shortage of computers due to the large number of trainees. As fuel and US dollar prices have risen, we have had financial problems,” U Zaw Min Oo said.
The training courses are being attended by mostly young people from Maei, Kyaukphyu, Pauktaw, Minbya, Rathedaung, Kyauktaw, Sittwe and Mrauk-U townships.
“I had to stay out of school due to the Covid-19 outbreak. I contacted my friends to attend the free computer and English-language courses here. There is a need for dormitories because there are many trainees here,” said Ko Myo Htay Naing, a trainee from Rathedaung Township.
The foundation gave free computer and English-language courses to more than 50 trainees in batch No. 1, over 60 trainees in intake No. 2 and around 200 trainees in batch No. 3.