Lay Taung townspeople say virus prevention nonexistent as hospital goes without doctor
Residents of Lay Taung town in Arakan State’s Ramree Township are demanding that a new doctor be assigned to the local hospital amid the ongoing third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the previous physician having been transferred elsewhere and no replacement yet arriving.
11 Jul 2021
DMG Newsroom
11 July 2021, Kyaukphyu
Residents of Lay Taung town in Arakan State’s Ramree Township are demanding that a new doctor be assigned to the local hospital amid the ongoing third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the previous physician having been transferred elsewhere and no replacement yet arriving.
The town hospital’s last doctor transferred out more than one month ago, said the secretary of the Lay Taung town organising committee, U Aung Naing Tun, who added that it is difficult to carry out Covid-19 prevention and treatment activities because a new doctor has not been assigned.
“There haven’t been any prevention activities conducted in the town so far,” he said.
“The prevention activities in the two previous waves were good. Now, we do not have a doctor to lead prevention activities for Covid-19. We are worried that the third wave of Covid-19 will affect the town. We are in dire need of a doctor.”
Previously, travellers looking to enter Lay Taung were tested for Covid-19 at the Kin Chaung Bridge, the only entrance to the town, in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. But no such checks are currently taking place at the bridge, even as the pandemic’s third wave in Myanmar, which began in May, threatens to dwarf the first two in size and lethality.
U Tin Moe, information officer for the town organising committee, said: “We were able to provide information in real time during the second wave of Covid-19. We could do Covid-19 prevention activities effectively. But we do not have a doctor to lead the activities. We urgently need a doctor.”
Residents told DMG the government has said a replacement doctor would be assigned, but as yet no one has arrived to take up the post.
During the third wave of Covid-19, a total of 793 infections and 12 deaths were reported in Arakan State through July 10, according to the state’s Department of Public Health.