Thousands of residents in Shan State’s Moebye flee fighting

At least 5,000 locals were displaced by fighting between junta troops and anti-regime groups in Moebye, Shan State, on the morning of September 19, according to residents. 

By DMG 20 Sep 2022

Damages caused by the junta shelling in downtown Moebye. (Photo: The Karenni Assistance Network for IDPs)

DMG Newsroom
20 September 2022, Moebye, Shan State 

At least 5,000 locals were displaced by fighting between junta troops and anti-regime groups in Moebye, Shan State, on the morning of September 19, according to residents. 

A clash broke out between junta troops and a resistance coalition led by the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) after a 400-strong military contingent escorted by 10 armoured vehicles entered downtown Moebye at around 1 a.m. on September 19, with the fighting lasting some five hours, said a KNDF source. 

“A large number of junta soldiers in two columns escorted by armoured vehicles stormed downtown Moebye. The fighting lasted for about five hours, from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m.,” the KNDF source added. 

As many as 100 homes were destroyed by artillery shells fired by the regime forces, and more than 5,000 civilians were forced to flee to safer locations, according to aid workers. 

“Residents dared not stay in downtown Moebye because the military indiscriminately opened heavy weapons fire into residential areas. Almost all residents from three downtown wards fled to nearby forests and displacement camps,” an aid worker said. 

The military detained about 100 local people who were taking refuge at Set Taw Yar and Mwetaw monasteries in Moebye town on Monday, said a ground source. 

“At least 100 villagers taking shelter at two monasteries were arrested by the military on September 19 and they are not released yet. The fighting resumed this morning,” said a KNDF member. 

A child was killed and a handful of other civilians injured in clashes in Moebye from September 8 to 12.