ARSA blamed for bombing of Maungdaw Twsp bridge

A bridge on the road linking Taungpyoletwe and Kyein Chaung villages, near the border with Bangladesh in northern Maungdaw Township, was targeted by an explosive device on Wednesday and was slightly damaged in the blast.

By DMG 07 Apr 2022

A screenshot from a video purportedly showing ARSA fighters, which was recently shared widely on social media.

DMG Newsroom
7 April 2022, Maungdaw

A bridge on the road linking Taungpyoletwe and Kyein Chaung villages, near the border with Bangladesh in northern Maungdaw Township, was targeted by an explosive device on Wednesday and was slightly damaged in the blast.

Arakan Daily, a media outlet run by the state military council, reported on its Facebook page that the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) was responsible for the explosion, which left a hole about one foot in diameter in the bridge deck.
A reinforced concrete structure, the bridge measures approximately 50 feet in length and 16 feet in width.

U Maung Ohn, a former lawmaker from Maungdaw, said the group responsible for the blast could not yet be confirmed, but he added that ARSA is active in the area.

“ARSA blew up the bridge to show their presence and that they are doing their job,” said U Maung Ohn. It is also possible that ARSA had blown up the bridge to instil fear in local residents, he added.

“I don’t know which group blew up the bridge,” Taungpyoletwe resident U Hla Tin said. “However, I’ve seen cars crossing the bridge as usual now. But I am concerned that there will be a blast while local residents are using the bridge.”

DMG was unable to obtain comment from the Maungdaw Township police chief and local police officers in Taungpyoletwe. The Maungdaw Township administrator also did not answer DMG’s phone calls.