Former NLD candidate in Kyaukphyu detained by regime
U Zaw Win Myint, a former candidate representing the National League for Democracy (NLD) from Ann, Arakan State, has reportedly been detained by Myanmar’s military regime.
20 Dec 2023

DMG Newsroom
20 December 2023, Ann
U Zaw Win Myint, a former candidate representing the National League for Democracy (NLD) from Ann, Arakan State, has reportedly been detained by Myanmar’s military regime.
He was abducted by regime soldiers near his home in Myit Nar Tan Ward in Kyaukphyu at about 6 p.m. on December 19.
“The reason for the arrest remains unknown and he is currently detained at a military regiment. The regime’s arrest of politicians is to instil fear in the people,” said a resident of Kyaukphyu who is close to the detainee.
U Zaw Win Myint is a native of Ann Township and currently lives in Kyaukphyu. A NLD candidate from Ann Township, he contested in 2017 by-elections and the 2020 general election.
During the NLD government, he is said to have been a person who took action to get back lands seized by the military in Ann Township.
“He is also active in politics and has written objections to the military after the coup,” said a local resident in Ann who is close to U Zaw Win Myint.
At least 25 residents in Kyaukphyu Township have been arrested during the latest fighting. They all face incitement charges under Section 505(a) of the Penal Code.