Min Ko Naing among 17 people displayed on ‘Wanted’ signboard in Taungup Twsp

A signboard is displaying pictures of 17 activists including prominent former student leader U Min Ko Naing as a “Wanted” list near Taungup town police station in Arakan State, residents said.

By DMG 27 Apr 2021

DMG Newsroom
27 April 2021, Taungup

A signboard is displaying pictures of 17 activists including prominent former student leader U Min Ko Naing as a “Wanted” list near Taungup town police station in Arakan State, residents said.

The Wanted list was publicised near the police station about 10 days ago, said surveillance officer Ye Min Tun of the Taungup Township police station.

“The signboard is erected on only one site,” he said.

The 17 people have been charged under Section 505(a) & (b), and Section 122, of the Penal Code, and the public is asked to help apprehend them by informing nearby police stations if any of them are spotted, the signboard reads.

It also says anyone who has “accepted” them will face serious legal action.

One resident said that publishing wanted lists on a signboard in public could affect the rights of citizens.

“As a citizen, they may protest, or they may even lead a protest. Or, they may ‘incite’ people to participate in a protest. They should not be issued an arrest warrant nor published on a Wanted list in public,” said Ko Maung Maung Thein, a resident of Taungup town.

The Myanmar Police Force on February 13 released an arrest warrant against 17 activists including U Min Ko Naing.

Police said lawsuits were opened against them as they were found using social media and social networks to share their writings and other sentiments that could damage the country’s peace and stability.