MPT phone lines down in several parts of Arakan State
MPT phone lines are down in some parts of Ann, Myebon, Pauktaw and Manaung townships in Arakan State, according to local residents.
27 Nov 2023

DMG Newsroom
27 November 2023, Sittwe
MPT phone lines are down in some parts of Ann, Myebon, Pauktaw and Manaung townships in Arakan State, according to local residents.
MPT phone lines are out of service in Tettaung town in Ann Township, Kanhtaunggyi town in Myebon Township, at least three villages on Myayngu Island in Pauktaw Township and at least two villages in Manaung Township.
A woman from Myayngu Island in Pauktaw said: “MPT phone lines are out of service. I heard it is because telecom masts have run out of fuel. So, we don’t have access to mobile internet. Fortunately, I have a SIM card from another operator.”
Myanmar’s military regime has blockaded all the major roads and waterways in Arakan State since renewed fighting broke out on November 12, resulting in fuel shortages. Telecom masts that are operated by diesel generators have reportedly stopped working as a result.
Telecom masts in Tettaung town in Ann Township and Kanhtaunggyi town in Myebon Township are operated by electricity, but are also reliant on diesel generators due to daily power outages.
A woman from Kanhtaunggyi town said: “Phone lines were down for three to four days. Phone services were restored yesterday. But the signal was very weak.”
Phone lines are also down in Tettaung town, said a resident. “Telecom masts are not working as diesel generators have run out of fuel. That’s why phone lines are down,” said a resident of Tettaung town.
Many townships in Arakan State are already facing fuel shortages due to the junta’s travel restrictions.