Mrauk-U’s Tin Nyo police lance corporal missing

Maung San Chay, a lance corporal from Tin Nyo police station, went to Shwe Pyi Thit bus line in Mrauk-U town to collect a parcel at about 10 a.m. on Sunday, his wife Daw Nwe Nwe told the DMG.

By Kyaw Thu Htay 24 Sep 2019

Kyaw Thu Htay | DMG
24 September, Sittwe
A lance corporal from Tin Nyo village, Mrauk-U Township, has been missing for three days according to his family members.

Maung San Chay, a lance corporal from Tin Nyo police station, went to Shwe Pyi Thit bus line in Mrauk-U town to collect a parcel at about 10 a.m. on Sunday, his wife Daw Nwe Nwe told the DMG.

“On Sunday morning, a policeman came and told him that the head of the police station had seen him taking his motorbike to go to somewhere. I did not know where he had to go. I did not see him till evening, so I asked about him and he said that he was told to go to the bus line. He has not arrived yet,” she said.

The DMG phoned inspector Zaw Min Oo, the head of Tin Nyo police station, to seek comment for the disappearance of the police lance corporal and he responded that he didn’t know the facts and the investigation was still underway.

“We can’t guess where he went missing. We reported to our superiors about his disappearance. We asked help from nearby police stations to search for him. We called every place he used to go,” the police officer said.

During the ongoing armed conflict between the Tatmadaw and the AA in Arakan State, policemen, veterans and civilians have been murdered very often, but offenders have not been caught so far.

On 19 August, police major Saw Than Lwin, head of Kyauktaw township police station, was injured from stab wounds.

Also, sub-inspector Zaw Min Htay, head of Yoetayote police outpost, Ponnagyun Township, was stabbed to death on 1 September.

On 22 September, police sergeant Maung Hla was stabbed to death in Kyauktaw Township’s Pyidawtha ward while a veteran from No.6 ward in Buthidaung Township was also stabbed to death on the same day.