Muslim woman dies of shrapnel wound

A 65-year-old Muslim woman from Sin Thay Byin village in Buthidaung Township was killed during gunfire in the village because she was left in the village while other residents fled to safety.

31 Jul 2019


Cha Lu Aung | DMG
31 July, Buthidaung


A 65-year-old Muslim woman from Sin Thay Byin village in Buthidaung Township was killed during gunfire in the village because she was left in the village while other residents fled to safety.


Non-stop artillery rounds slammed into the village on 28 July, a young villager was injured, and that prompted villagers to flee to Phone Nyo Late village in panic.


An old woman could not run fast enough and was left in the village, she was hit by a piece of shrapnel and died. 


“We had to leave my mom in the village while we ran away from the village during the artillery fire. Also, we could not take her body to Buthidaung hospital because it was late last night. Her funeral was held this afternoon in the village according to Muslim funeral rites,” her son Mahmet Zar Baw said yesterday.


U Kyaw Min Tun, administrator for Buthidaung Township told the DMG that the old woman was killed but he was still trying to confirm if a clash broke out in the village or if something else triggered the gunfire.