Northern Alliance rejects government’s remark of terrorist act

The recent attack by the three members of the Northern Alliance on police stations and the Defence Services Technological Academy in Pyin Oo Lwin is considered a terrorist act and has much affected peace process, said U Zaw Htay, spokesperson of the President Office.

18 Aug 2019

The soldiers of Northern Alliance. Photo - Twitter

Thet Naing | DMG
18 August, Sittwe    
The recent attack by the three members of the Northern Alliance on police stations and the Defence Services Technological Academy in Pyin Oo Lwin is considered a terrorist act and has much affected peace process, said U Zaw Htay, spokesperson of the President Office.
“They intentionally attacked to destroy drug testing equipment. It has been spreading on social media. It is just a terrorist act and it made a tremendous impact on the peace process,” U Zaw Htay said.

The AA’s spokesperson Khaing Thukha, however, said that it was not terrorist act and it just an act of retaliation against government forces. The Tatmadaw was conducting offensive operations in the territory of ethic people.

“The government is saying what they should not say. They said those who are helping rebels are rebels and they arbitrarily arrest and kill villagers in Arakan State and in the villages of our allies. We have to resort to counter attacks,” Khaing Thukha said.

Yet, the government said that it keeps open ways for ethnic armed groups including the AA to make peace talks and they need to talk to seek political solution.

The AA top leaders have been charged under Counter-Terrorism law, so they are concerned about their safety. But, the government said that it guarantees their safety hundred percent in peace talks offered by the government, U Zaw Htay said.

The attacks carried out by the three members of the Northern Alliance on 15 August at five locations including the DSTA resulted in the deaths of nine soldiers, three policemen and three civilians, the Myanmar government said.

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