Villagers warned to avoid naval vessels

Kyaukphyu residents have been warned by the navy not to go near military vessels anchored near Dynyawaddy Navy Headquarters on Ma Dae Island in Kyaukphyu Township, Arakan State.

23 Jul 2019

Khaing Min | DMG

July 23, Kyauk Phyu

Kyaukphyu residents have been warned by the navy not to go near military vessels anchored near Dynyawaddy Navy Headquarters on Ma Dae Island in Kyaukphyu Township, Arakan State, said U Thar Zan Aung, the administrator of Ma Dae Island village tract.

Residents have been told not to pass near the navy ships from 6pm to 6am starting from July 21. 

“The warning has been issued because at night it is hard to know whether people passing naval vessels are villagers or enemies,” said U Thar Zan Aung.  

Local fishermen who normally fish where the ships have anchored said the warning has caused difficulties for three villages on Ma Dae Island for conducting their fishing. 

“We have to work according to the changing tides in the water so we are facing many difficulties now,” said a local fisherman. 

The fighting between Myanmar Tadmadaw and Arakan Army (AA) has been increasing and on July 19, the AA attacked two military vessels in Myebon and three military ships in Rathedaung Township on July 20.