Bangladesh arrests four Navy personnel for trespassing territorial waters

Four Navy personnel from Danyawaddy Regional Command’s No. 1 base in Maungdaw Township have been arrested for trespassing on territorial waters of Bangladesh.

By Cha Lu Aung 29 Aug 2019

Photo - Teknaf todynews

Cha Lu Aung | DMG

29 August, Maungdaw

Four Navy personnel from Danyawaddy Regional Command’s No. 1 base in Maungdaw Township have been arrested for trespassing on territorial waters of Bangladesh.

One officer and three privates were arrested and their speed boat was also seized, said a Navy personnel from No. 1 base, who asked not to be named.

“It’s likely they have been detained. But, we have not been informed by the Bangladeshi government. I thought it was because of encroachment of their territorial waters. The best way to resolve this is for the two governments to sit down and discuss this in a diplomatic manner case to talk between two governments,” the Navy personnel said.

While the Bangladeshi Navy was conducting security along Naff River, on the border of southeastern Bangladesh and western Myanmar, on 27 August, and they found the speed boat trespassing on its territorial waters and arrested Myanmar Navy personnel, Bangladeshi media reported.

U Soe Aung, administrator of Maungdaw district, said that he heard about the arrest of navy personnel but he could not discuss it because it was a military matter.

A deputy command from BGB regiment told the Bangladeshi news agency Teknaf Today News that four Myanmar people have been detained and questioned.

The DMG phoned Major Nyein Chan Oo from the Danyawaddy Navy base at Maungdaw border about the arrest of four Navy personnel, but he refused to give comment.