No teacher, no classes at Minbya Twsp school for five months

A basic education primary school in Shwezigon Village, part of Arakan State’s Minbya Township, has been closed for nearly five months as there is no teacher, according to villagers.

By Admin 09 Oct 2023

The basic education primary school in Shwezigon Village, Minbya Township, on October 7, 2023.
The basic education primary school in Shwezigon Village, Minbya Township, on October 7, 2023.

DMG Newsroom
9 October 2023, Minbya

A basic education primary school in Shwezigon Village, part of Arakan State’s Minbya Township, has been closed for nearly five months as there is no teacher, according to villagers.

No teacher showed up at this public school when the academic year started in June.

“Our children can’t learn as there is no teacher. We want authorities to dispatch teachers as soon as possible,” said one student’s mother, Daw Than Tin Sein.

The school previously had a headmaster and a teacher, but the headmaster passed away in April of last year, and the teacher was transferred to another school, according to residents.

“Normally, it is around the mid-term now. I am afraid the children in our village won’t catch up,” said U Aung Shwe Thein, the administrator of Shwezigon Village.

More than 10 students were enrolled at the primary school in Shwezigon. Because the school is closed, six students now go to schools in nearby villages, but other students can’t afford to do so, said U Tin Maung from Shwezigon Village.

When phoned for comment, the head of the Minbya Township education department, U San Thein Tun, told DMG: “I am attending training in Yangon. Please contact my deputies.”

DMG was unable to reach anyone else at the Minbya Township education department.

Shwezigon is a small village, with a population of approximately 100 people across 21 households. It is about a 10-minute drive from Minbya town to Minywa Village, and from there a boat ride of around eight minutes to Shwezigon.