NRPC and four northern alliance armed groups will meet in Keng Tung

Representatives from the National Reconciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC) and four northern alliance armed groups will meet again on September 17 in Keng Tung, Shan State, according to both sides.

12 Sep 2019

Representatives of Northern Alliance arrived in Keng Tung to meet with NRPC on August 31.

Nay Win San | DMG
September 12, Sittwe
Representatives from the National Reconciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC) and four northern alliance armed groups will meet again on September 17 in Keng Tung, Shan State, according to both sides.

The Peace Commission proposed the northern alliance armed groups - Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and Arakan Army (AA) – to meet again in Keng Tung, and the four groups agreed to meet.

“The meeting will be in Keng Tung as the northern alliance groups accepted the proposal to meet. Colonel Dr NyoTwanAung will lead the meeting from our side,” said Khaing Thukha, the spokesperson of AA.

The AA stated that they agreed during meeting between NRPC representatives and four northern alliance armed groups on August 31 to keep discussing with the Tatmadaw a way to stop the current fighting.

Khaing Thukha said that the Tatmadaw may take part in the upcoming discussion, and if the Tatmadaw sends officers who have the authority to make decisions then they would discuss troop locations.

“According to the decision from the previous meeting, representatives from the Tatmadaw may join the discussion,” he said. “But who will join from their side? If people from the top places join, the discussions will be better than previously. We can discuss about troop locations.”

After the prior discussion in Keng Tung, AA released the statement, saying that they agreed to keep discussing with Tatmadaw representatives about troop locations and how to set rules and regulations so as to avoid clashes.

The statement also said that they discussed signing a bilateral ceasefire agreement to stop the current clashes.

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