NUG warns China amid junta chief’s visit to Yunnan
The NUG, the Karen National Union, the Karenni National Progressive Party and the Chin National Front held a joint press conference on Tuesday as Min Aung Hlaing was on his first visit to China since the 2021 coup.
06 Nov 2024

DMG Newsroom
6 November 2024, Mrauk-U
The parallel National Unity Government (NUG) has warned China that pressuring anti-regime groups in Myanmar will do no good for Beijing.
The NUG, the Karen National Union, the Karenni National Progressive Party and the Chin National Front held a joint press conference on Tuesday as Min Aung Hlaing was on his first visit to China since the 2021 coup.
“To overcome the circle of coups and another coup in Myanmar, the revolution must bring about a new system that allows no place in politics for the Myanmar military, and that guarantees federalism for ethnic people. Putting pressure won’t work and it won’t be good for China,” NUG foreign minister Daw Zin Mar Aung told the press briefing.
The revolution against the military regime would succeed quickly if there was no pressure from China, she asserted. But as things currently stand, the country’s democratic forces have had to struggle more due to pressure from China, which has also exacerbated public concerns, she added.
Ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) such as the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and Arakkha Army (AA) have been under pressure from China to stop fighting and engage in talks with the regime.
China has recently closed border crossings with EAOs based in northern Shan State and Kachin State after the MNDAA, TNLA and KIA seized control of vital trade routes with China over the past year. The MNDAA and TNLA have captured almost the entirety of northern Shan State, while China has significant interests in Arakan State, where the AA has captured 10 of 17 townships.
The NUG said Beijing’s invitation to the junta boss to China may sour bilateral relations with pro-democracy forces in Myanmar.
“We have told China that we are concerned that the invitation will give the regime legitimacy and that it could strain China-Myanmar relations,” said Daw Zin Mar Aung.
The NUG said the Brotherhood Alliance — consisting of the MNDAA, TNLA and AA — would continue to work to build a federal union despite pressure from China, and that it shares that goal with the alliance.
KNPP secretary Aung Hsan Myint told Tuesday’s press conference: “We have been able to put a lot of pressure on Min Aung Hlaing militarily, politically and diplomatically. If we work together with greater unity, Min Aung Hlaing will fail very soon.”
The NUG, KNU, KNPP and CNF in their joint statement vowed to fight together to end the military dictatorship in Myanmar, adopt a new constitution and implement federal democracy.