Number of IDP camps in Mrauk-U reached 41

 “They mainly need rice and other essential food. But, refugees from the IDP sites in rural areas need firewood also. The second priority is health care and adequate toilet facilities,”

By Sein Ko Ko 20 Apr 2019

Sein Ko Ko/ DMG

April 19, Sittwe

The number of IDP camps in Rakhine State’s Mrauk-U Township has reached 41 at the moment, according to the IDPs Aid Group.

There are 14 IDP sites in Mrauk-U’s town area and 27 sites in countryside areas.

The IDP camps in town are in monasteries and ordination halls in pagodas; Let Kauk Zay, Shithaung, Thalukan, Myadasaung, Shwe Taung, Dai Kyi, Aung Mingala,Myothit, Kyauk Yit Kay and Zina Mann Aung monasteries and Naratsa Thein,  Aung Zedi Thein, Phaya Paw Thein and Konawin Aung Zedi Thein ordination halls.

These IDP sites were listed on April 19, and refugees are in dire need of food, said U Tun Ni Win, a member of IDP Aid Group in Mrauk-U.

“They mainly need rice and other essential food. But, refugees from the IDP sites in rural areas need firewood also. The second priority is health care and adequate toilet facilities,” he said.

The number of IDPs has now reached more than 10,000 in Mrauk-U Township and CSOs and well-wishers in Mrauk-U Township are providing humanitarian aid by working together with aid agencies such as ICRC.