One suspect arrested under Counter-terrorism law after mine blast

Two villagers from Mawrawady village were arrested following a landmine explosion near Kaigyi village in Maungdaw Township on April 21.

By Cha Lu Aung 24 Apr 2019

Cha Lu Aung / DMG

April 24, Maungdaw

Two villagers from Mawrawady village were arrested following a landmine explosion near Kaigyi village in Maungdaw Township on April 21.

Ko Kyaw Thein, 26, and Ko Naing Kyaw Linn, 18, were arrested but the latter was released later while Ko Kyaw Thein was detained because he was found to be a member of the Arakan Army (AA), the Office of Commander-in- Chief reported on April 22.

He has been charged under section 50 (a) of the Counter-terrorism Law and Maungdaw township court placed him in custody on April 23, said his father U Tun Hla Oo.

He might face 10 years to life imprisonment and be liable to fines if he’s found guilty.

“I was summoned to the No.4 Border Guard force on April 23. The next court hearing will be on May 6,” he said.

Members of the Tatmadaw and police force came and searched our house after my son was arrested, his mother Daw Adone Khaing said.

“I saw my son in the police station with wounds on his face. I don’t know how much he was beaten. He was handcuffed from behind his back. He told me his hands were numb,” she said.

The armed conflict between the Tatmadaw and AA has gone on for five months in Rakhine state while the government cited the AA as a terrorist organization. Meanwhile, many villagers are being detained under the Counter- terrorism Law and Unlawful Association Act.


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