Junta troops, Karen coalition forces clash near Thai-Myanmar border

Fighting between the Myanmar military and coalition forces headed by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) has been raging since April 26 along the Dawei-Hteekhee road near the Thai-Myanmar border, according to a local source. 

By DMG 27 Apr 2022

DMG Newsroom
27 April 2022, Dawei, Tanintharyi Region 

Fighting between the Myanmar military and coalition forces headed by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) has been raging since April 26 along the Dawei-Hteekhee road near the Thai-Myanmar border, according to a local source. 

A clash broke out between the Karen National Defence Organisation (KNDO) and the military near the Dawei-Hteekhee road when the latter tried to deploy troops in large numbers, said a member of the KNLA coalition forces. 

On April 24, local People’s Defence Force (PDF) troops launched an attack on a police outpost near Pakaryi village, close to the Dawei-Hteekhee road, where the Myanmar military is stationed. 

Following the attack, the military sent about 100 security personnel to the area. At least 1,000 locals have fled to safer locations as the Myanmar military fired about 20 artillery shells into the village, according to a relief group helping internally displaced people (IDPs). 

“More than 100 junta soldiers were deployed in the village. Thousands of locals were evacuated after 20 artillery shells were fired by the junta troops,” a local aid worker said. 

The KNLA’s Brigade 4 announced that traffic on the Dawei-Hteekhee road would be temporarily closed from April 27 to May 4 due to the ongoing fighting.