Locals demand lifting of blockade on Ponnagyun-Rathedaung road

Local residents have called for reopening the road linking Ponnagyun and Rathedaung, which has been closed by Myanmar’s military regime for more than two months.  

By DMG 20 Aug 2022

DMG Newsroom
20 August 2022, Ponnagyun 

Local residents have called for reopening the road linking Ponnagyun and Rathedaung, which has been closed by Myanmar’s military regime for more than two months.  

The regime blocked off the road after the Arakan Army (AA) seized a junta soldier on June 16 in Ponnagyun. 

“Previously, goods from Ponnagyun town directly reached our village. Now, we have to go to Kun Taung by boat to buy supplies. It is not convenient for us,” said Ko Kyaw Min Naing from Pauktaw Pyin village. 

Commodity prices have soared in Rathedaung due to the blockade, according to residents.  

“We can’t travel by road,” said Rathedaung resident Ko Kyaw Min Khaing. “Compared with Sittwe, prices are quite high in Rathedaung. And in case of a health emergency, we can’t travel by boat to Sittwe on rainy days when the sea is rough. The blockade is making life increasingly difficult for us.” 

There are approximately 50 villages that rely on the Ponnagyun-Rathedaung road for food, other commodities and goods, and healthcare services. 

“We are facing hardship,” said Ko Tun Naing, who drives a bus between Ponnagyun and Rathedaung. “I have no income now as I can’t run my bus. I have no other jobs and for the time being, I make do with my savings, and by borrowing from others.” 

DMG was unable to obtain comment from Arakan State Security and Border Affairs Minister Colonel Kyaw Thura concerning the Ponnagyun-Rathedaung blockade. 

The affected road is crucial for transporting goods from Sittwe and Ponnagyun to Rathedaung.