Poor drainage said to be contributing factor as Arakan State dengue fever cases rise

The rate of dengue fever infection in Arakan State is increasing due to the poor drainage system, according to the Department of Public Health (DPH).

By DMG 31 Aug 2022

DMG Newsroom
31 August 2022, Sittwe

The rate of dengue fever infection in Arakan State is increasing due to the poor drainage system, according to the Department of Public Health (DPH).

Dr. Kyaw Khine, chairman of the Myanmar Medical Association, said that the drainage system in Arakanese towns is blocked by dirt, which causes dengue cases during the rainy season.

“The rains are so heavy in Arakan State that the drains cannot flow normally, and in some places, the water is left as clear water. Through that water, mosquitoes breed and become dengue,” he said.

Dr. Kyaw Khine continued that in order to reduce the incidence of dengue fever, it is necessary to make the drains properly, and work must be done to ensure that no water is left in the drains.

He also said that if the relevant municipal department does not develop a good drainage system, the bad smell coming from the drainage can seriously affect the health of the people.

There were 421 cases of dengue fever reported in Arakan State in 2021, whereas the state has seen 1,900 dengue fever cases and five deaths so far this year, according to figures compiled by the DPH.

Dengue fever cases are reported throughout Arakan State, with the highest incidence in Sittwe Township, followed by Maungdaw Township.

A mosquito-borne tropical disease, dengue fever can infect all people, regardless of age or gender, but is most common among children under age 15, said a general practitioner.

“Dengue fever is caused by mosquito bites during the daytime. Water needs to be changed to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in places such as pagoda vases and car tires. It is important to change the water to keep your home and environment clean. Dengue fever is more common during the rainy season because mosquitoes breed more,” he added.

There were 421 cases of dengue fever and one death in Arakan State in 2021, according to the state DPH. According to figures from the DPH, Arakan State reported 1,808 dengue fever cases and eight deaths in 2019.