Pregnant woman hit by stray bullet

A 24-year-old pregnant woman from Mahamuni village in Kyauktaw Township was hit a stray bullet fired by a Tatmadaw troop in the evening of 31 July.

01 Aug 2019


Win Nyunt | DMG

1 August, Sittwe


A 24-year-old pregnant woman from Mahamuni village in Kyauktaw Township was hit a stray bullet fired by a Tatmadaw troop in the evening of 31 July.


Daw Aye Aye Myint was injured in her right arm and sent to Sittwe hospital yesterday, said her husband Ko Zaw Zaw.


One hour after hearing a barrage of gunfire near the village, the couple prepared to have dinner, but soldiers shot into their house.


“Soldiers came from the west of Maha Myat Muni pagoda and shot straight into our house. I crouched down but my wife could not because she is pregnant. So, she was running to safety when a bullet struck her arm,” Ko Zaw Zaw said.


Daw Ma Aye Yee, mother-in-law of the victim, was upset and raised a question to the Tatmadaw. “Did they shoot the pregnant woman thinking she was a AA member? Or, did they just decide to indiscriminately shoot at a civilian?” she said.


The DMG phoned Colonel Win Zaw Oo from the Western Command for comment on the incident, he responded by saying he was not aware of the situation.


On 31 July, a 25-year-old man from Thein Tan village in Kyauktaw Township received a bullet wound in his back when a Tatmadaw troop shoot at him from the back while he was riding his motorcycle on the road. He received medical treatment at Kyauktaw hospital.