Government needs to work with UN/INGOs to effectively provide relief aid for IDPs

The humanitarian assistance for Arakanese IDPs has been decreasing because the Arakan State government has limited INGOs, apart from the WFP and ICRC, to provide aid for Arakanese IDP camps and imposed restriction on local CSOs to apply for permits before collecting funds for IDPs, he said.

09 Aug 2019

Nay Yaung Min /DMG

9 August, Hluttaw

Relief aid for IDPs in Arakan State would be more effective if the government works with the UN, INGOs/NGOs and CSOs rather than solving on its own, U Pe Than, Pyithu Hluttaw representative from Myebon constituency, said in the Pyithu Hluttaw session on 8 August.

“Effectiveness will be greater if the government accepts the help of the UN, INGOs/NGOs and CSOs in providing aid for IDPs. But the regional government has imposed restrictions, donors are upset and hesitant to provide relief aid finally,” the lawmaker said.

The humanitarian assistance for Arakanese IDPs has been decreasing because the Arakan State government has limited INGOs, apart from the WFP and ICRC, to provide aid for Arakanese IDP camps and imposed restriction on local CSOs to apply for permits before collecting funds for IDPs, he said.

In response to the law maker, U Soe Aung, deputy minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, said that the provisions of the government for Arakanese IDPs is sufficient and the aid of CSOs is not limited. 

“We are accepting relief aid from CSOs. We have just restricted them to enter areas that are not secure for them,” U Soe Aung said.

The government and other organizations such as the WFP and ICRC are providing relief aid for IDPs and constructing temporary buildings for them, the deputy minister said.

Seven IDP camps for displaced people from six townships in Arakan State are now being built with funds amounting to MMK one billion from the Arakan State government and MMK 617.500 million from the Natural Disaster Management Fund, he explained.

“Under the approval of the President Office, we undertaken projects for IDPs such as opening temporary camps, construction and management, providing humanitarian assistance and allocating funds for health care service, education access, water and sanitation and security affairs,” the deputy minister said.

The CSOs and members of parliament said that the number of IDPs in Arakan State has reached up to nearly 60,000 people but the government said that it is just over 20,000.