Two injured in Mon State after ambulance encounters mine

Two charity workers were injured after their ambulance came under mine attack in Mon State’s Thanbyuzayat Township around 1 a.m. on Friday morning, according to local residents.

By DMG 09 Sep 2022

The ambulance damaged by mine attack in Ye Township. (Photo: Aung Mingalar Free Funeral Service Association)

DMG Newsroom
9 September 2022, Thanbyuzayat, Mon State

Two charity workers were injured after their ambulance came under mine attack in Mon State’s Thanbyuzayat Township around 1 a.m. on Friday morning, according to local residents.

The two are from a local charity called Aung Mingalar based in Ye Township, which provides free ambulance and funeral services.

The driver and a member were injured in the blast near Peinne Taw village in Thanbyuzayat Township as they returned from sending a patient to Mawlamyine Hospital in Mon State’s capital Mawlamyine, said a member of the charity.

“We sent two patients to Mawlamyine in two ambulances yesterday. The two ambulances returned together, and the second ambulance came under the mine attack. The vehicle was badly damaged,” he said.

The driver was seriously injured, and another charity worker suffered minor injuries, according to the charity.

“We have sent the driver to Mawlamyine Hospital. His condition is still unstable,” a member told DMG on Friday at noon.

The mine attack happened at a site which has frequently hosted clashes between junta troops and combined forces of the Karen National Union Brigade 4, Karen National Defense Organization and People’s Defense Force.

“Junta convoys were often attacked with mines there. And there were frequent clashes between Myanmar military and combined forces of the KNU and resistance groups,” said a resident of Peinne Taw village.

It was not immediately clear which side was responsible for the mine attack.

In May, an ambulance was shot at in Kyaikto Township, in which the driver died, and two charity workers were injured.