Military regime releases over 640 inmates in Arakan State

Myanmar’s military regime released thousands of inmates on Friday as a gesture to celebrate the country’s 74th Union Day. A total of 646 prisoners were released in Arakan State, according to state Security and Border Affairs Minister Colonel Min Than.

By DMG 12 Feb 2021

DMG Newsroom
12 February 2021, Sittwe

Myanmar’s military regime released thousands of inmates on Friday as a gesture to celebrate the country’s 74th Union Day. A total of 646 prisoners were released in Arakan State, according to state Security and Border Affairs Minister Colonel Min Than.

According to the minister, 231 inmates were released at Sittwe Prison, 163 were released from Buthidaung Prison, 153 were released at Kyaukphyu Prison and 99 were released from Thandwe Prison.

“I am glad and grateful to Senior-General Min Aung Hlaing for releasing prisoners,” said U Hla Sein Aung, who was released from Sittwe Prison on Friday morning.

However, political prisoners were not among those released in Arakan State. “Those released are not political prisoners. They are offenders of non-political crimes and Muslims,” said Col. Min Than.

Among the inmates released in Buthidaung Prison are 56 Arakanese people and 107 Muslims, according to Buthidaung Township administrator U Shwe Hla Aung.

“A total of 163 inmates were released from Buthidaung Prison. They are 15 from Buthidaung Township, 103 from Maungdaw Township, 37 are from other parts of Arakan and the rest from other parts of the country,” he said.

The military-led State Administrative Council announced that the amnesty of 23,314 prisoners, including 55 foreigners, was extended on humanitarian grounds as a gesture to celebrate Union Day.

Moreover, the regime ordered that death sentences be commuted to life imprisonment; life imprisonment be reduced to 40-year prison terms; prison terms above 40 years be reduced to 40 years and 40-year prison terms and shorter sentences be cut by a quarter.