Junta reinforces its defence of Maungdaw

The regime is heavily reinforcing its bases in Maungdaw Town amid Arakkha Army (AA) attacks targeting the frontier town on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border.

By Admin 08 May 2024

Photo: Myanmar Defence Weapons
Photo: Myanmar Defence Weapons

DMG Newsroom
May 8 2024, Maungdaw

The regime is heavily reinforcing its bases in Maungdaw Town amid Arakkha Army (AA) attacks targeting the frontier town on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border.

Three naval vessels carrying hundreds of junta reinforcements arrived at the jetty of the Kanyin Chaung industrial zone in Maungdaw on Tuesday, according to sources.

“I could only watch it from a distance and couldn’t estimate the number of junta soldiers. All three naval vessels were full of junta soldiers. There was also food and weapons,” said a source.

The regime brought in 400 troops and food supplies via the Kanyin Chaung jetty on Monday as well, said residents.

The junta’s reinforcement of its troops in Maungdaw comes after the AA seized the 15th Military Operation Command headquarters in Buthidaung, the largest junta position in Buthidaung.

“The regime has been reinforcing its troops in Maungdaw since the fall of the military operations command in Buthidaung. This means the regime is preparing a strong defence against the AA’s attacks on Maungdaw,” said another source.

The AA has seized many junta positions in Maungdaw including border guard police bases in Kyee Kan Pyin, Kyein Chaung, Hla Poe Hkaung. It is also actively targeting five other junta bases.

Junta personnel often fled into Bangladesh in previous clashes near the border. Those who have returned are being deployed in Kanyin Chaung industrial zone. The AA has been attacking them.

“The AA is attacking near the Kanyin Chaung industrial zone as the regime is using the industrial zone to bring in food supplies and reinforcements. The fighting is quite fierce there. Junta naval vessels and battalions also provide artillery support,” said a Maungdaw resident.

The AA has seized almost all of the townships in northern Arakan State. The regime is also losing ground in Maungdaw and Buthidaung, where it still maintains ostensible control for now.

Maungdaw and Buthidaung are garrison towns in Arakan State.

“If the two towns fall, it would pose a huge threat to [the Arakan State capital] Sittwe. So, the regime has been continuously reinforcing Maungdaw and Buthidaung. What’s more, the two towns are crucial for border trade with Bangladesh,” said one observer of Arakan State affairs.

The regime is also sending reinforcements to Thandwe in southern Arakan State via Gwa Township. Reinforcements are coming from both Arakan State’s Gwa and Ayeyarwaddy Region.

AA chief Major-General Twan Mrat Naing has vowed to fight fiercely to capture all of Arakan State in the shortest time possible.