Two witnesses examined in case against prominent Arakanese women’s activist
Two prosecution witnesses in the case of Daw Nyo Aye of the Rakhine Women’s Network (RWN) were examined during a court hearing in the Arakan State capital Sittwe on October 2, according to family members.
03 Oct 2023

DMG Newsroom
3 October 2023, Sittwe
Two prosecution witnesses in the case of Daw Nyo Aye of the Rakhine Women’s Network (RWN) were examined during a court hearing in the Arakan State capital Sittwe on October 2, according to family members.
“Two prosecution witnesses were questioned during yesterday’s court hearing. I don’t know what topics the judge addressed with the two of them because I didn’t attend the hearing. The next hearing has been scheduled for October 9,” said Ma Saw Mya Thandar, the daughter of Daw Nyo Aye.
A prominent women’s advocate, Daw Nyo Aye was taken from her home by police on August 15 for questioning over an event in Sittwe held two days earlier to celebrate the anniversary of “rice crisis day” in Arakan State. She has been charged under Section 505 of the Penal Code, which covers incitement.
Daw Nyo Aye attended the “rice crisis day” event, organised by the Arakan Students Union. Leaders of Arakan Student’s Union have gone into hiding in the wake of her arrest.
“Two student leaders including U Oo Than Naing have been sued under Section 505(b) of the Penal Code. My mom was initially charged under Section 505(a) of the Penal Code, but she was examined by the judge under Section 505(b) of the Penal Code,” Ma Saw Mya Thandar explained.
Family members of Daw Nyo Aye are seeking medical treatment for her at Sittwe General Hospital due to her ailing health condition. Daw Nyo Aye is a well-known and active advocate for women’s issues in Arakan State.
“Daw Nyo Aye is a woman activist. As she has been arrested, there is a lot of suffering for Arakanese women. She is old and her health is not very good. We want to the case to be tried as soon as possible, and for her to be released,” said Daw Phyu Phyu Than, a women’s activist in Sittwe.