Some families under stay-at-home orders face difficulties in Thandwe Twsp
After being identified as close contacts of confirmed Covid-19 cases, some families under stay-at-home instructions in Thandwe Township are facing food difficulties.
05 Jul 2021

DMG Newsroom
5 July 2021, Thandwe
After being identified as close contacts of confirmed Covid-19 cases, some families under stay-at-home instructions in Thandwe Township are facing food difficulties.
People from the working class who are forced to abide by coronavirus stay-at-home orders are particularly vulnerable to being found food insecure during time under quarantine restrictions.
“Because they are daily wage earners, they are now jobless and facing difficulties for food due to stay-at-home orders,” said Ko Thet Lwin Phyo, who assists these families.
People subject to the Covid-19 stay-at-home orders are monitored for 17 days.
Ko Thet Lwin Phyo said there are more than 50 households under stay-at-home orders in Thandwe Township. They have been provided with donations from people in wards and villages, but longer term provisioning is a concern.
The number of confirmed cases in Thandwe Township reached 45 on July 4, and five recovered patients were discharged from the hospital. Twenty-seven close contacts were also allowed to leave quarantine that same day.
Since the start of Myanmar’s third coronavirus wave in May, Covid-related deaths in Arakan State rose to three on Saturday.