Young football talent being scouted in Arakan State
The Myanmar Football Federation is scouting for young, talented football players around the country, and football skills testing was conducted at the Danyawaddy sportsground in the Arakan State capital Sittwe on Wednesday.
26 Apr 2023

DMG Newsroom
26 April 2023, Sittwe
The Myanmar Football Federation is scouting for young, talented football players around the country, and football skills testing was conducted at the Danyawaddy sportsground in the Arakan State capital Sittwe on Wednesday.
The Sports and Physical Education Department recently invited applications from young players in two age groups (11-13) and (14-15). A total of 35 young players submitted applications, and their skill levels were tested.
U Tin Aung, the leader of the team tasked with selecting young footballers for further development, said: “The Myanmar Football Federation has three academies, respectively in Yangon, Mandalay and Pathein. We plan to train the selected players in those academies for the national teams.”
Players will be selected based on assessments of eight important skills and their general footballing ability, according to the selection team, which is made up of three coaches.
Promising young footballers will be selected systematically and trained with the ultimate goal of landing them at professional clubs both domestically and abroad, explained U Tin Aung.
The programme will contribute significantly to the development of sport in Arakan State, said U Kaung Khant Htoo, head of the Sittwe Township Sports and Physical Education Department.
“There are greater opportunities for athletes now as sports federations are coming to Arakan and searching for talented athletes,” he said.
The sporting standards in Arakan State are lower than in other regions and states, he added, encouraging young players to grasp the opportunities presented to them.