Regime transfers political prisoners to Yangon from Sittwe Prison

More than 90 political prisoners were transferred to Yangon from Sittwe Prison by a military Y-8 transport aircraft.

By Admin 06 Jun 2024

Regime transfers political prisoners to Yangon from Sittwe Prison

DMG Newsroom
6 June 2024, Sittwe

Scores of political prisoners from Sittwe Prison in the Arakan State capital were transferred to Yangon on June 4, according to a local source.

More than 90 political prisoners were transferred to Yangon from Sittwe Prison by a military Y-8 transport aircraft.

“Dozens of political prisoners were sent to Sittwe Airport in three vehicles and then were transferred to Yangon. I think the political prisoners were transferred to Yangon as the regime is worried that the Arakkha Army (AA) will seize Sittwe. The remaining prisoners will likely be transferred to other areas,” the source told DMG.

There are over 100 political prisoners at Sittwe Prison who have been charged under Section 17(1) of the Unlawful Associations Act, Section 505(a) of the Penal Code and Section 50(a) and/or Section 50(j) of the Counterterrorism Law.

“Some political prisoners were handcuffed. At least 90 political prisoners were sent to Yangon by flight at around 4 p.m. on June 4,” said a source close to Sittwe Airport.

The AA has announced that the ethnic armed group will launch attacks on the regime to seize those townships it has not yet taken control of, namely Maungdaw, Sittwe, Ann, Thandwe, Kyaukphyu, Taungup, Manaung and Gwa. The transfer of political prisoners came following the AA’s announcement.

“As the regime transferred the political prisoners to Yangon, we often wonder if they will do something or force them to serve in the military. Now that they have been transferred to Yangon, I am very worried about what the regime will do to them,” said a family member of a political prisoner who was charged under Section 505(a) of the Penal Code.

DMG was unable to contact U Hla Thein, spokesman for the Arakan State military council, regarding the matter.