Gwa Twsp singled out for stay-at-home order as Covid cases remain elevated
Despite most townships in Arakan State seeing decreases in their Covid-19 case counts and death tolls in recent days, Gwa Township continues to face high numbers in both categories, prompting the state military council to impose a stay-at-home order in Gwa starting August 25.
24 Aug 2021
DMG Newsroom
24 August 2021, Gwa
Despite most townships in Arakan State seeing decreases in their Covid-19 case counts and death tolls in recent days, Gwa Township continues to face high numbers in both categories, prompting the state military council to impose a stay-at-home order in Gwa starting August 25.
“Covid-19 cases didn’t decrease in Kyaukphyu and Gwa townships before. Now, cases have decreased in Kyaukphyu but not in Gwa. So, we have been monitoring Gwa Township for two days. If cases increase within two days, we’ll impose a regional stay-at-home order,” said U Hla Thein, chair of the state military council’s information team.
According to the state’s Department of Public Health, a total of 367 deaths were attributed to Covid-19 from May 12 to August 23, a period considered to be the pandemic’s ongoing third wave in Myanmar.
Sittwe Township has recorded the highest number of fatalities, at 92, followed by Taungup Township’s 65 deaths and Kyaukphyu Township’s 36. Gwa Township recorded 16 fatalities over the period.
U Hla Thein said strict actions have been taken against those who do not abide by Covid-19 restrictions in a bid to coax broader compliance among the public.
The United League of Arakan (ULA) issued an initial stay-at-home order from July 20 to August 4, extending it multiple times in the weeks since. Its most recent extension covered August 19-25.