Sixteen schools closed in Arakan State due to outbreak of hostilities

“Currently, we have a list of 655 students. It is lower than the actual number because some families fled to their relatives’ home in towns. Some are in remote areas where transportation is poor or there’s no phone service,” the deputy director said.

By Win Nyunt 23 Sep 2019

Win Nyunt/ DMG

23 September, Sittwe

As many as sixteen schools have been closed due to the fighting between the Tatmadaw and the AA, according to the Arakan State education office.

Three schools from Rathedaung Township, two schools from Minbya Township and eleven schools from Buthidaung Townships have been closed now, siad U Sein Tun Hla, deputy director of the Education Department in Arakan State.

Over 650 students from the closed schools pursue their studies at schools near the IDP camps they are taking shelter at, he said.

“Currently, we have a list of 655 students. It is lower than the actual number because some families fled to their relatives’ home in towns. Some are in remote areas where transportation is poor or there’s no phone service,” the deputy director said.

The State level Education Department has instructed township education officers to take out school supplies for students from IDP camps.

“Some media said that IDP students are in need of school supplies. We have plan to provide text books and note books for them. But we could not help, the students are from remote areas,” U Sein Tun Hla said.

The Education Department has also instructed schools to teach overtime for IDP students.

The IDP population has reached up to 65,000 so far due to ongoing fighting in northern Arakan State and refugee students are facing challenges.