Military tightens travel restrictions on locals in eastern Bago Region township

The Myanmar military has reportedly restricted the travel rights of residents in eastern Bago Region’s Shwegyin Township, where strict inspections have been imposed on the locals.

By DMG 16 Jul 2022

Photo: CJ

DMG Newsroom
16 July 2022, Shwegyin, Bago Region

The Myanmar military has reportedly restricted the travel rights of residents in eastern Bago Region’s Shwegyin Township, where strict inspections have been imposed on the locals.

Since July 9, residents of Shwegyin Township have been required to travel only between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Travellers are also required to have a letter of recommendation from the relevant ward or village administrator in order to carry food while travelling. In cases of non-compliance, the foodstuffs being transported will be confiscated and action will be taken, the military junta’s township administrative body announced.

A resident of Shwegyin said that due to the travel restrictions, it is difficult for rural people from Shwegyin Chaung, Katetchaung and Madamachaung villages to go to downtown Shwegyin to take care of their social, business and health affairs.

“Travel restrictions should not be imposed because people from some villages near the Shwegyin Creek will not be able to come to downtown Shwegyin,” said a resident of Shwegyin. “The military should not ban rural people from transporting food items. Rural people come to Shwegyin to buy food, so the military’s travel restriction affects rural people.”

Residents of Seikkalay village said junta troops have tightened inspections at the top of the bridge over Shwegyin Creek, the primary entry point into the town of Shwegyin.

“If we want to buy something in downtown Shwegyin, we have to cross the bridge where the junta soldiers and police are conducting interrogations of locals. So we have to take our safety into consideration when we pass the bridge to go to downtown Shwegyin,” said a Seikkalay villager.

Brigade 3 of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the armed wing of the Karen National Union (KNU), said the Myanmar military has restricted travel due to ongoing fighting in Kyaukkyi and Mone townships.

“The military’s travel restriction in Shwegyin Township is attributed to the ongoing fighting in Kyaukkyi and Mone areas. I would like to inform the locals to be careful when they go outside,” said a KNLA Brigade 3 source.

The Karen Youth Organization (KYO) has also warned residents to be cautious due to junta forces’ increased presence in some Shwegyin Township villages since the first week of July.