Squatters return to Sittwe ward

More than 30 huts are being illegally built west of Sittwe Hotel in the Arakan State capital a week after municipal and ward authorities acted to prevent people from squatting there.

04 May 2022

DMG Newsroom

4 May 2022, Sittwe 

More than 30 huts are being illegally built west of Sittwe Hotel in the Arakan State capital a week after municipal and ward authorities acted to prevent people from squatting there

Several people had partitioned the land on April 27, dividing it into hundreds of square plots using posts as markers. Sittwe municipal authorities and ward administrative personnel removed those posts the following day.

 One resident from West Sanpya ward, where the land in question is located, who asked for anonymity said: “There is a properly built hut there, and some 30 huts are being built. There might be more than 300 square plots marked using posts and ropes.” 

“As they came and marked the land, we also marked a land plot, hoping that we might get it,” a woman who was involved in partitioning the land said on condition of anonymity. “Some are already selling land plots to third parties for K40,000 to K50,000.” 

Authorities inspected the site on Monday, and will handle the situation in line with procedure, said the Sittwe Township administrator, U Kyaw Lwin. 

“We have asked the ward administrator to make a list of who is squatting there. We will then survey the land and take necessary actions,” he said. 

Sittwe Hotel acquired ownership of the land in 2011 to use for the purpose of their hotel and tourism enterprise, according to the township General Administration Department.