State Government urged to allow NGO/INGO’s aid for refugees

A proposal urging the state government to allow support from NGOs/INGOs and CSOs for war refugees in Arakan State was submitted to the Arakan State Parliament on May 2.

By Khaing Roe La 02 May 2019

Khaing Roe La / DMG

May 2, Sittwe

A proposal urging the state government to allow support from NGOs/INGOs and CSOs for war refugees in Arakan State was submitted to the Arakan State Parliament on May 2.

U Aung Kyaw Htwee, Arakan State’s MP for Pauktaw Township, said that he submitted the proposal because the number of IDPs had currently reached over 30,000, and the relief aid from CSOs and the Department of Social Welfare was not sufficient for them.

“It seems that the ongoing battles between the Tatmadaw and AA will continue, so the number of refugees is probably going to keep going up. For the long term, I think we have to allow aid from NGOs and INGOs to fulfil their needs. That’s why I submitted the proposal,” he said.

The ICRC and WFP are the only groups officially permitted by the government to provide relief aid for IDPs in Arakan State. Local CSOs were blocked from offering humanitarian assistance, this kind of action makes it difficult for IDPs to sustain their current living situation.  

The government should not block foreign aid for war refugees, U Aung Kyaw Htwee said.

“Blocking foreign aid might put more distance between our country and the international community. The government is the guardian of the people. It should allow support groups to supply aid for our refugees. It should not block NGOs that want to help,” he said.

U Thar Tun Aung, State MP for Pauktaw Township supported the proposal because war refugees are actually in need of help.

The proposal was accepted by all MPs and agreed to continue discussions.