Crowds still gathering despite rising Covid case count in Arakan State

Crowd-drawing events such as football matches, zat pwe theatrical performances, Dhamma talks and concerts continue to be held in Arakan State despite a recent rise in Covid-19 infections and health officials urging caution and adherence to virus preventive measures

By DMG 22 Feb 2022

DMG Newsroom
22 February 2022, Sittwe 

Crowd-drawing events such as football matches, zat pwe theatrical performances, Dhamma talks and concerts continue to be held in Arakan State despite a recent rise in Covid-19 infections and health officials urging caution and adherence to virus preventive measures

The United League of Arakan (ULA), which commands the support of a significant segment of the Arakanese public, asked people on February 20 not to gather in crowds and to avoid events that draw crowds. The ULA also urged the public to follow local regulations and guidelines issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Department of Health regarding the coronavirus pandemic. 

Saw San Nyein Thu, chair of the Rakhaing Women’s Initiative Organization, said: “The people are worried about getting infected with Covid-19, but they are too weak to follow regulations to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The Ministry of Health needs to educate them to be careful about it.” 

She added that action should be taken against those who fail to adhere to the Covid-19 preventive regulations. 

Theatrical performances put on for sizable crowds are seen throughout the state at present, but neither the Arakan Army nor the military government has issued any instruction to stop holding the events, said the owner of a zat pwe troupe. 

“The troupes have to do their performances for the time being. They are not told to suspend their performances. They have to keep doing their business for their livelihood,” the owner said. 

Zat pwe theatrical performances were suspended in Arakan State from the end of 2018 through 2020 due to armed conflict between the Myanmar military and Arakan Army, as well as the coronavirus pandemic. 

The director of another zat pwe troupe said members of theatrical performance troupes will be affected if they are told to suspend their events due to the rising Covid-19 case count. 

“Both owners and artists will face difficulty if the performances have to be suspended. There are many events where they have to entertain at various pagoda festivals,” he said. 

The ULA said it could announce additional Covid-related regulations — such as the imposition of a stay-at-home order, a ban on large events and festivals, or travel restrictions — on March 1, depending on the infection rate and trends at that time. 

As of February 21, a total of 5,579 Covid-19 cases were reported in Arakan State, with 501 deaths attributed to the virus, according to the state’s regime council.