Locals complain of lack of infrastructure investment in Arakan State’s sub-townships

Local residents in Arakan State’s sub-townships have called on authorities to improve urban infrastructure in their respective areas.

By Admin 12 Oct 2023

Maungdaw Information and Public Relations Department
Maungdaw Information and Public Relations Department

DMG Newsroom
12 October 2023, Kyaukphyu
Local residents in Arakan State’s sub-townships have called on authorities to improve urban infrastructure in their respective areas.
Arakan State has 11 sub-townships: Sane, Kanhtaungyi, Kyeintali, Khamaungseik, Ngapali, Tettaung, Taungpyo Letwae, Maei, Myinhlut, Laytaung and Tanhlweywama.
Sub-townships are formed by combining villages, but authorities have not yet built necessary infrastructure such as schools, healthcare facilities, markets, roads, and garbage collection services, according to residents.
Sane sub-township resident Ma Hnin Su Wai said: “There is no garbage collection system in place, and there is no garbage dump either. And the market is only a little better than a bazaar. So, it is not convenient.”
When Sane was formed as a sub-township, a sub-township municipal committee was formed for development of the sub-township. But the committee disbanded following the 2021 military coup, said residents.
Taungpyo Letwe, Khamaungseik, Laytaung, Kanhtaungyi and Tettaung are also lacking in infrastructure in terms of transportation, education and healthcare facilities.
Despite the fact that Kanhtaunggyi has many government offices, locals have to rely on themselves to repair roads and build drainage systems.
A ward administrator in Kanhtaunggyi said: “Not to mention emergency [health situations], locals have to go to Ann or Myebon even for mild health complaints. And roads in wards are narrow and in bad condition.”
Arakan State has a population of more than 3 million people across 17 townships. Sub-townships were established after 2003 for the stated purpose of the development of villages.
Local residents in Khamaungseik have also complained about difficulties with schooling and receiving medical treatment.
“High school students have to go to school in Maungdaw or other nearby places that have high schools. There are not enough medics in hospitals and healthcare facilities. There is a need to meet the requirements of a town,” said resident U Tun Aye Kyaw of Khamaungseik.
DMG was unable to obtain comment from Arakan State military council spokesman U Hla Thein regarding the lack of infrastructure investment in those sub-townships.
The Home Affairs Ministry designated Maei and Kyeinnali as sub-townships in 2004, Ngapali and Taungpyo Letwe in 2014, Kanhtaungyi, Tettaung and Sane in 2015, Khamaungseik and Myinthlut in 2016, and Laytaung and Tanhlweywaman in 2018.