Sat Yoe Kya market now a ghost market

The market built in Sat Yoe Kya ward in Sittwe town is now in a state of dereliction because there are no vendors after it was built seven years ago.

31 Jul 2019


Khin Tharaphy Oo | DMG

31 July, Sittwe


The market built in Sat Yoe Kya ward in Sittwe town is now in a state of dereliction because there are no vendors after it was built seven years ago.


Vendors ran their business for only two months after it was built then left the market. Now it’s run down due to natural elements that have eroded its structure.


The regional government built the market that included 132 stalls, making shopping easy for the locals in the new ward named Sat Yoe Kya, which was established for ethnic refugees whose houses were destroyed in the 2012 communal conflict in Arakan State. The market was built in 2013-2014 budget year.


Vendors had trouble keeping their businesses alive because it was new market and few customers would visit the market, said Daw Ma Than Htay, a resident in the ward. 


Vendors had to carry their goods back home because the market lacked security, and it was the main reason that vendors lost their ambition to run their business in the new market, she added.


“There was no place to store goods. So, vendors stopped selling their merchandise,” she said.


The market was built with the funds allocated by the regional government, but he did not know the exact cost, said U Kyaw Moe, deputy director of the Sittwe Township Development Committee.


U Aye Kyaw, security manager of the market, said that vendors will come and sell products if security measures meet their approval. 


“Vendors had to carry all of their goods to the market and bring them back home. It was a burden for them. Transportation costs hurt their profits. That’s why they stopped selling goods here,” he said.


Residents have requested to upgrade the market and the township development committee has planned to fulfill their demand.