Tatmadaw investigates grave site

“Military and town elders dug a new grave in the village cemetery. While digging they unearthed the body of an old woman, and they stop digging,” said U Maung Kyaw Zan, Amyotha Hluttaw representtaive for Buthidaung Township.

By Cha Lu Aung 02 May 2019

(Zedidaung village, Buthidaung Township/ Photo - Nyo Htun)

Cha Lu Aung | DMG

May 2, Buthidaung  

Tatmadaw troops inspected houses and IDPs in Zedidaung village, Buthidaung Township, on April 30, and also dug a new grave for an IDP, an MP said.

“Military and town elders dug a new grave in the village cemetery. While digging they unearthed the body of an old woman, and they stop digging,” said U Maung Kyaw Zan, Amyotha Hluttaw representtaive for Buthidaung Township.

Brig-Gen Zaw Min Tun from the Tatmadaw True News Information Team said that digging graves might uncover some unusual information.

“I did not know about the interrogation in villages. But, the Tatmadaw troops found a place where the AA keeps their provisions and a temporary training camp. So, battalions on the ground might inspect villages,” Brig-Gen Zaw Min Tun said.

The Tatmadaw found 275 suspected men between 15 and 50 years old after inspecting 477 households in Kyauktan village, the Tatmadaw temporarily detained the men in a village school and asked questions in order to possibly to take action under the law. The Tatmadaw released a statement about the intentions of their questioning to villagers.  

After Tatmadaw columns occupied the AA’s temporary training camp near Phone Nyo Late village in Buthidaung Township on April 28, they received information that AA members posed as villagers and were carrying out operations in Kyauktan and Zeyditaung villages, the Tatmadaw said in its statement.

During the interrogation, seven villagers died and eight others were injured because of shooting by the Tatmadaw into the village where suspected villagers were detained in the early morning of May 2 at about 2 a.m., according to an anonymous villager.