Yangon-based Arakanese charity provides stipends to university students in need

The Rakhine Thahaya Association (Yangon) is once again preparing to provide stipends for students who have passed this year’s matriculation exams and are having difficulty continuing to attend university.

By DMG 08 Dec 2022

Officials from the Rakhine Thahaya Association (Yangon) accept cash donations. (Photo: Rakhine Thahaya Association / Yangon)

DMG Newsroom
8 December 2022, Yangon

The Rakhine Thahaya Association (Yangon) is once again preparing to provide stipends for students who have passed this year’s matriculation exams and are having difficulty continuing to attend university.

Students who have passed this year’s matriculation exams can begin applying for stipends and there are no restrictions on the universities they can attend to be eligible, said U Tun Naing, chairman of the Rakhine Thahaya Association (Yangon).

“When many students apply for stipends, there are examination marks set. Mainly, we will select those who are really struggling to continue to university and we will provide stipends, so there are exceptions to the examination marks,” he told DMG.

Students who wish to apply for a stipend must request an application form from the relevant township representatives of the Rakhine Thahaya Association (Yangon) and apply before the end of January 2023.

“Mainly, those who really need it will be given priority to receive stipends. In order to support more, we need more donors. Therefore, I would like to invite donors to donate,” U Tun Naing said.

He went on to say that stipend recipients will receive K300,000 per year until they graduate from university. Last year, 69 students received stipends.

“I graduated from a technological university with the support of this association,” said Ko Soe Thet Hein from Thandwe Township, who got his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. “From 2011, this association supported me at a rate of K30,000 per month for five years, until I graduated. What I would like to say is that this association is helping students in Arakan State who are really struggling.”

The Rakhine Thahaya Association (Yangon) has provided stipends to a total of 170 students who are currently having difficulty attending university and has been donating stationery to some primary, middle and high school students.

The association was established in 1981, and since its establishment, it has been able to provide stipends to a total of 900 students.