Thailand offers help for junta’s pre-poll population census

Thai ambassador to Myanmar Mongkol Visitstump met the junta’s immigration and population minister U Myint Kyaing in Naypyidaw on Tuesday. 

By Admin 07 Aug 2024

Thai Ambassador Mongkol Visitstump presents his credentials to Min Aung Hlaing on December 7, 2022. (Photo: CINCDS)
Thai Ambassador Mongkol Visitstump presents his credentials to Min Aung Hlaing on December 7, 2022. (Photo: CINCDS)

DMG Newsroom
7 August, 2024, Sittwe

Thailand has offered assistance for the Myanmar regime’s proposed population census, scheduled to be conducted in October, junta media reported. The regime has said it will compile voter lists based on the census to organise a poll next year.

Thai ambassador to Myanmar Mongkol Visitstump met the junta’s immigration and population minister U Myint Kyaing in Naypyidaw on Tuesday. At the meeting, the two discussed the assistance Thailand can provide for the regime in conducting its population census.

The two reportedly exchanged views on the junta’s preparations for the census, and possible delays to the process in some regions due to security and transportation problems.

The regime plans to conduct the population census from October 1 to 15.

Thailand’s offer of assistance for the junta’s proposed poll amounts to aiding the regime’s war crimes against Myanmar civilians, said one critic and politician in Arakan State.

“Thailand should immediately stop supporting the regime,” he said.

The junta’s opponents, including the parallel National Unity Government (NUG), say any poll organised by the regime would be a sham election.

The regime has lost control of more than 70 towns in Arakan, Shan, Kayin (Karen), Kachin and Karenni (Kayah) states, and Sagaing and Mandalay regions, since November of last year.

A social activist from Arakan State said: “A poll is very unlikely. It has been losing one town after another, and I doubt if it can organise a poll.”

Junta boss Min Aung Hlaing has said his regime will do its best to conduct the census across the country.

The census report is scheduled to be released in March 2026, according to the junta’s immigration ministry.