Tin Nyo IDP camp desperately needs food

Recent floods in Mrauk-U Township affected Tin Nyo IDP camp and refugees are suffering harsh living conditions. They need food, proper shelter and health care, according to camp managers.

21 Jul 2019

Thet Naing | DMG

21 July, Sittwe

Recent floods in Mrauk-U Township affected Tin Nyo IDP camp and refugees are suffering harsh living conditions. They need food, proper shelter and health care, according to camp managers.

More than 3000 IDPs are taking refuge in Tin Nyo camp and the flooding destroyed some supplies in the camp, said camp manager U Wai Hla Aung.

“We need everything.  Food is urgently needed because some food was damaged by flooding and government help is insufficient, while CSOs are running low on relief supplies,” he said.

Clashes are still occurring in Arakan State and IDPs cannot return home, that’s why IDP camps need more help with food supplies for the long term, said U Tun Tha Sein, Arakan State MP from Mrauk-U Township.

“Also, the rainy season is underway so people require health care service also. Basically, they need everything,” he said.

He added that he would like the government and international organizations to provide relief aid for IDPs. 

Although political parties and CSOs requested to allow international organizations to enter the affected areas to provide humanitarian assistance, the government has only permitted the ICRC and WFP to furnish help.