Tatmadaw MPs object to investigation into deaths, injuries in Arakan State

Tatmadaw representatives objected to a proposal to organize a commission led by the state government to investigate cases of death and injuries as a result of fighting in Arakan State.

By Khaing Roe La 19 Sep 2019

Colonel Min Than, Arakan State Border Affairs and Security Minister

Khaing Roe La | DMG
September 19, Sittwe

Tatmadaw representatives objected to a proposal to organize a commission led by the state government to investigate cases of death and injuries as a result of fighting in Arakan State.

U Tun Thar Sein, member of the Hluttaw from Mrauk-U Township, said that he submitted the proposal on September 18 during a Hluttaw meeting to set up a group which includes State government, MPs, government departments and CSOs to investigate which group – the Arakan Army or Tatmadaw – inflicted injuries and/or death on civilians during the conflicts.

“The reason I submitted this proposal is to let people know openly who made people injured or dead,” he said.

U Tun Thar Sein, member of the Hluttaw from Mrauk-U Township

More than 80 people have died and 120 people have been injured in Arakan State because of the conflict between Tatmadaw and Arakan Army (AA).

As the decision was made whether or not U Tun Thar Sein’s proposal should be discussed, Tatmadaw representatives objected.

Colonel Min Than, Arakan State Border Affairs and Security Minister, said that if the commission was set up there would not be any security to go and get information, and the commission won’t be able to have the right news.

“The purpose of setting up the commission is to investigate who is responsible for the cases. We cannot tell if it was the AA or Tatmadaw? Nobody knows exactly. If even AA shot people, we can’t tell them to take responsibility for it,” he said. 

The proposal was decided according to the votes, 24 MPs agreed to the discussion, 11 Tatmadaw representatives objected and one person stood neutral. Finally, the Hluttaw decided to keep discussing the proposal.