Township Municipal Committee chairs call for amending Arakan State Municipal Law

The demand included points to form the state level City Development Committee and to have plans for checks and balances between the state government and state parliament regarding municipal affairs.

By Khaing Min (Kyauk Phyu 25 May 2019


Khaing Min (Kyauk Phyu) | DMG

May 25, Kyauk Phyu


Chairpersons of the township City Development Committee in Arakan State call for amending the Arakan State Municipal Law because it has some flaws even though it is a law supporting regional development, the democratic process and good governance.


They demanded it after the City Development Committee met with the public at Rammawaddy Hall in Kyauk Phyu on May 23.


The chairpersons of the township municipal committee also requested the Arakan State parliament to take effective action on their demands because there are many rounds of proposals to amend the law since it was enacted in 2015 but the state parliament did not make any significant move.


“We are elected by people to work for them. However, we have some limitations when working for people because of the provisions of the law. If we keep practicing the law, we will come up against obstacles that will impede our activities. If we cannot amend it, we must quit,” said U Thein Lwin, chairperson of Kyauk Phyu Township City Development Committee.


The demand included points to form the state level City Development Committee and to have plans for checks and balances between the state government and state parliament regarding municipal affairs.


U Khin Maung Shwe, chairperson of Buthidaung Township City Development Committee, said that the municipal law in Arakan State should be an effective law like municipal laws in other states and regions.


“Currently, the committee is within its limits to carry out its activities. That’s why we want to amend it. We want new committee members to be able to work for people under the amended law. In other regions and states, their municipal laws were amended so municipal affairs can be executed more smoothly,” U Khin Maung Shwe said.


They also demanded the terms of the members in the City Development Committee to be the same terms as members of the government. They also pointed out the defects of the existing Arakan State Municipal Law.