Displacement camps receive trickle of humanitarian aid in aftermath of cyclone

“We are going hungry, and we need food. We have no money to rebuild our houses,”

By Admin 05 Jun 2023

A displaced woman with her temporary house, which was destroyed by Cyclone Mocha.
A displaced woman with her temporary house, which was destroyed by Cyclone Mocha.

DMG Newsroom
5 June 2023, Sittwe

Victims of Cyclone Mocha in Arakan State say they have received little assistance for rehabilitation some three weeks after northern Arakan State was ravaged by the storm.

International organisations and charities have provided tarpaulin sheets, drinking water, rice and some cash for storm victims, but supplies are not enough to meet the need.

Teinnyo displacement camp in Mrauk-U has only received tarpaulin sheets and some drinking water bottles from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) so far. Almost all the temporary houses at the camp were destroyed by the storm. Only 229 of 773 households have received relief supplies from the ICRC, according to U Kyaw Myint Che, a member of the camp management committee.

“So far, only the ICRC has supplied tarpaulin sheets and some drinking water bottles for 229 households. We gave priority to families with pregnant women, children, persons with disabilities in sharing those supplies. We urgently need food and shelter,” he said.

Cyclone Mocha caused widespread property damage at displacement camps in Sittwe, Rathedaung, Ponnagyun, Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U and Buthidaung townships. People are struggling to rebuild their houses.

Some 70,000 people displaced by fighting still can’t return to their homes in Arakan State, and many storm-hit displaced people have received no assistance from the regime so far.

“We are going hungry, and we need food. We have no money to rebuild our houses,” said Daw Aye Aye Khin of Taungmin Kalar displacement camp in Kyauktaw.

Over 1,000 people from some 500 households are taking shelter at Taungmin Kalar displacement camp. They have received 59,000 kyats, two tarpaulin sheets and two bottles of drinking water per household from some organisations. 

DMG’s calls to Arakan State Administration Council spokesman U Hla Thein to ask about the claims that displaced people have not yet received assistance from the regime went unanswered.

U Phyu Thar Aung, manager of Ahtetmyathle displacement camp in Ponnagyun Township said: “Some have rebuilt their houses with used timber and bamboo. Some can’t afford to rebuild their houses.”

The camp is home to around 500 people from over 100 households. The World Food Programme has provided 7.5 pyi (one pyi equals to approximately 2.24 kg) per person, and the ICRC has also provided 12 pyi of rice and two tarpaulin sheets per household.

Storm victims have received little humanitarian assistance despite the fact that the cyclone inflicted significant property damage in Arakan State.