Kyaukphyu authorities to take action against boozing in U Ottama Park

A local official has warned that people who gather and drink alcohol at U Ottama Park in the Arakan State town of Kyaukphyu will be monitored and punished starting this month.

By DMG 15 Jul 2022

DMG Newsroom
15 July 2022, Kyaukphyu

A local official has warned that people who gather and drink alcohol at U Ottama Park in the Arakan State town of Kyaukphyu will be monitored and punished starting this month.

U Myo Min Htun, the Kyaukphyu Township administrator, told DMG that action would be taken against those who congregate and consume alcohol in the park as locals have spoken out against the public imbibing.

“Town elders complain that drinking alcohol in the park is a nuisance. Since this is a public recreation area, action will be taken against those who drink alcohol in the park,” the township administrator added.

“Before issuing a local order, we will first educate the people not to drink alcohol in these areas. Violators will be prosecuted in accordance with the law,” he said.

There are several groups of people who gather and drink alcohol in U Ottama Park daily, starting as early as 9 a.m., according to locals.

Kyaukphyu town elder U Tun Nu said the presence of alcoholic beverages in the park reflected poorly on the townspeople and was disrespectful of a prominent leader of the Arakanese people, the late independence hero U Ottama.

“This is a place dedicated to the statue of U Ottama and a major tourist attraction in Kyaukphyu. We issued a notice to warn people who drink liquor in the park, but they didn’t abide,” he added.

U Ottama Park is located along the seashore in the town’s north, near the terminus of the Kyaukphyu-Yangon road.

“Sayadaw U Ottama is a person recognised not only by the Arakanese people but also by people around the world,” said Ko Soe Moe, a young resident of Kyaukphyu. “So we have to be more careful about activities that harm the reputation and dignity of a person [of such stature]. As a resident of Kyaukphyu, I accept that it is a good thing that the relevant authorities are planning to take action in this regard.”