UN special envoy urges government to build shelters for Arakanese IDPs

The Arakan State parliament chiefs have urged the UN special envoy to Myanmar Ms. Christine Schraner Burgener on 11 July to address the government to build shelters for IDPs in Arakan State for the rainy season.

12 Jul 2019

Photo - Rakhine Hlttaw Journal
Photo - Rakhine Hlttaw Journal

Min Htun | DMG   

12 July, Sittwe

The Arakan State parliament chiefs have urged the UN special envoy to Myanmar Ms. Christine Schraner Burgener on 11 July to address the government to build shelters for IDPs in Arakan State for the rainy season.

The UN special envoy arrived in Arakan State on 10 July to observe the condition of Muslim refugees. She met with top leaders of parliament in Arakan State on 11 July.

“We mainly requested her to urge the government to build houses for IDPs as quickly as possible, if they don’t people will have to live in miserable conditions during the rainy season,” said U Mya Than, deputy speaker of the Arakan State parliament.

U San Kyaw Hla, speaker of Arakan State parliament, told her that civilians have been affected by the ongoing fighting between the Tatmadaw and the AA and a solution should be sought via political dialogue immediately to resolve conflicts in the region.

The UN special envoy also met with CSOs in Sittwe and the Arakan National Party and discussed the fighting and Muslim affairs in the region. She then met with Muslim refugees in Sittwe and Myebon Townships and Arakanese refugees in Sittwe. 

The number of IDPs due to fighting has reached over 50,000 so far and they are facing difficulties with their day-to-day living and health problems due to the recent heavy rain.

To lessen their appalling hardships, CSOs are providing humanitarian aid while the government is building nine IDP camps in five townships, but any construction has not been accomplished so far, according to IDPs.